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It's Your (Sex) Life : Your Guide to Safe and Responsible Sex

This pamphlet presents information about pregnancy and STDs, including HIV and serves as a guide to having safe and responsible sex. It discusses pregnancy; the options available to pregnant adolescents; the effectiveness of contraception against pregnancy and STDs; how to talk to partners about practicing safer sex; how to practice safer sex; and the symptoms of, the effects of, and the treatments available for several STDs.

Los Ninos y los Jovenes en un Mundo con SIDA

This pamphlet examines HIV among children and adolescents internationally. The pamphlet discusses the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS among young persons, the factors and behaviors that place them at risk for HIV, and intervention strategies to prevent the spread of HIV to children and adolescents, as well as maternal transmission to infants.

Regulating CAM Practices and Practitioners

This information sheet is the fourth in a series of sheets on complementary/alternative (CAM) health care and HIV/AIDS. It considers different types of regulation: licensure, certification, and registration; the type of regulation used with conventional practitioners; and the fact that some conventional practitioners incorporate CAM therapies into their practice. The information sheet suggests some sort of professional code as a beginning for CAM practitioners who are not yet regulated.

Abstinence Education and HIV/AIDS

This fact sheet provides organizations, government agencies, and educators with information about abstinence education and HIV/AIDS. The fact sheet reviews the content of abstinence-only sex education programs as well as the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS among adolescents in the United States. It compares abstinence-only educational programs to comprehensive sexuality/abstinence-plus sex education. It examines the concerns held by some parents and educators about comprehensive sex education and cites studies showing that most parents favor abstinence-plus education.

HIV/AIDS and Human Rights: Young People in Action

This information kit provides information about incorporating young persons into activities directed towards human rights and the HIV/AIDS. The information kit explains what young persons can do to promote HIV/AIDS education among peers and the general public and how they can advocate for human rights improvements for HIV-positive persons and improve HIV/AIDS care and support.

Paediatric HIV Infection and AIDS

This report examines how children become infected with HIV, how infection can be prevented in children, and ways of reducing the impact of HIV. The report discusses statistics and data concerning pediatric HIV/AIDS, transmission; prevention, including health education and prevention of HIV in women of childbearing age and of unintended pregnancies in HIV-positive women and women at risk; and treatment.

The AIDS Epidemic at 20 Years: The View From America: A National Survey of Americans on HIV/AIDS

This report reviews the results of a national survey on Americans' views and knowledge about HIV/AIDS. It provides statistics by race and ethnicity that illustrate Americans' perception of the epidemic in the United States and globally; Americans' knowledge (e.g., regarding HIV transmission, prevention, and treatment) and information needs; and Americans' views on key stakeholders and policy issues including perceptions of the effects of race, income, and gender on access to HIV care.

Media Coverage of Women and HIV/AIDS

This report examines the HIV epidemic’s impact on women and girls from the perspective of women journalists. In July 2000, the Population Reference Bureau assembled senior journalists from ten countries for a seminar to discuss women and HIV/AIDS. The journalists subsequently produced special supplements in their newspapers and magazines as well as radio programs that highlighted local and international aspects of the epidemic. Excerpts from these supplements and programs are contained in this report.

MMWR: Updated U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines for the Management of Occupational Exposures to HBV, HCV, and HIV and Recommendations for Postexposure Prophylaxis

This report updates previous US Public Health Service recommendations for the management of health-care personnel (HCP) who have occupational exposure to blood and other body fluids that may contain Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or HIV/AIDS. It contains recommendations for Hepatitis B Virus postexposure management including initiation of hepatitis B vaccine series to any susceptible, unvaccinated person who sustains blood or body fluid exposure. Guidance is provided to clinicians and exposed HCP for selecting the appropriate HBV postexposure prophylaxis (PEP).

HIV Prevalence Trends in Selected Populations in the United States: Results from National Serosurveillance, 1993-1997

This report provides updated data on the incidence and prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the United States resulting from anonymous unlinked surveys conducted by health clinics in selected metropolitan areas. Included in this report are summaries of data from January 1993 through December 1977 from unlinked prevalence surveys conducted in selected STD clinics, drug treatment centers (DTCs), and adolescent medicine clinics, as well as data from HIV screening programs for entrants in the Job Corps, military service, and first-time blood donors.