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Addressing Accessibility To The NPIN Website


The CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) would like visitors to find the information they are looking for. Every effort has been made to ensure that all materials available on the site are in compliance with U.S. Section 508 standards. To learn more about the regulations governing the accessibility of Federal electronic information products, please see HHS Implementation of Section 508. If you have any questions or require additional assistance, please e-mail



The CDC NPIN site has been tested to display and function similarly on the following browsers:

Windows: Internet Explorer 7.0+, Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 10+, Safari 4.0.5+
Mac OS X: Firefox 5.0+, Safari 5.0+, Chrome 11+

Java Script must also be enabled to utilize certain features of the site. For guidance on how to enable JavaScript in your browser, view these instructions.

Plug-Ins and File Viewers

Some of the files on the site require a browser plug-in or file viewer to access. If you need to install any of these programs on your computer, visit the sites shown below.

Adobe Reader
Adobe Acrobat Reader views Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
Download Adobe Reader

Microsoft Windows Media Player
Microsoft Windows Media Player views movie and audio (MP3, WAV, and WMV) files.
Download Windows Media Player

Microsoft PowerPoint
MS-PowerPoint Viewer program available to users that do not own a copy of MS-PowerPoint.
Download PowerPoint File Viewer

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