d-up Defend Yourself! A Community-Level Intervention for Black MSM
This information sheet describes a community-level risk-reduction intervention that attempts to change social norms and perceptions of black men who have sex with men (MSM) regarding safer sex practices and improve their sense of self-worth as black MSM. It uses individuals, called opinion leaders, who are respected and trusted by their peers, to promote the benefits of consistent condom use and increase feelings of positive self-worth among friends and acquaintances. Opinion leaders are identified during the community discovery and recruited by an agency implementing d-up!
Self-Help in Eliminating LIfe-Threatening Diseases (SHIELD): Training Peer Educators to Conduct HIV Prevention
This information sheet discusses the Self-Help in Eliminating Life-Threatening Diseases (SHIELD) program, an HIV prevention peer-education program. SHIELD is a group intervention that trains current and former drug users to be peer educators and share HIV prevention information among their social networks. The information sheet describes the program, the target population, the process, session topics, core elements, and research results. This program is included in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions (DEBI) projects.