Que Necesitan Las/Los Trabajadores Sexuales en La Prevencion Del VIH?
8 Best Practices for HIV Prevention Among Trans People
Scale up of HIV-Related Prevention, Diagnosis, Care and Treatment for Infants and Children: A Programming Framework
Sister to Sister: An HIV Risk Reduction Intervention for African American Women
This information sheet describes the Sister to Sister program, a brief, one-on-one skill-based HIV/sexually transmitted disease (STD) risk-reduction behavioral intervention for sexually active African American women aged 18-45 years old who have male partners. The intervention is implemented in a primary health care setting by nurses, health educators, or other professional clinic staff, and is designed to be integrated into the provider’s standard clinical practice.
Medicare and HIV/AIDS
Modelo de Intervencion Psicomedica (MIP): A Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention to Reduce HIV/AIDS Risks Combining Individualized Counseling and Comprehensive Case Management Among Injection-Drug Users (IDUs)
This information sheet describes Modelo de Intervencion Psicomedica (MIP), an HIV/AIDS psycho-medical intervention for use with injection drug users aged 18 years and older. The program offers seven one-on-one counseling sessions over 3-6 months and is conducted by a team of trained and qualified staff. The information sheet lists the objectives of the program, its core elements, the target audience, materials, and training, and provides contact information for technical assistance or training.
Adolescent Sexual Health in Europe and the US - Why the Difference?
This information sheet compares the sexual health and behaviors of adolescents in Europe to those of adolescents in the United States. It provides epidemiological data comparing European and American adolescents regarding pregnancy, birth and abortion rates, STD rates, contraceptive use, and sexual behaviors. It makes recommendations for the improvement of adolescent sexual health in the U.S., based on the results of the survey findings.
Focus on Youth With Impact
This fact sheet describes Focus on Youth (FOY), an eight-session, community-based, group-level intervention that was designed to reduce the risk of HIV/STD infection and unplanned pregnancy among African American urban youth. The curriculum is based on the Protection Motivation Theory, and the program uses fun interactive activities such as games and discussions to teach prevention knowledge and skills. There is also a component for parents.
Connect: A Couple-Level Intervention for Heterosexual Couples
This information sheet discusses the CONNECT Program, a six session, relationship-based intervention that teaches couples techniques and skills to enhance the quality of their relationship, communication, and shared commitment to safer behaviors. The program is based on the AIDS Risk Reduction Model, which organizes risk into three phases: recognize risk, commit to change, and act on strategies. It is also based on an ecological perspective, which emphasizes the personal, relational, and societal influences of behavior.