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MMWR: Updated U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines for the Management of Occupational Exposures to HBV, HCV, and HIV and Recommendations for Postexposure Prophylaxis

This report updates previous US Public Health Service recommendations for the management of health-care personnel (HCP) who have occupational exposure to blood and other body fluids that may contain Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or HIV/AIDS. It contains recommendations for Hepatitis B Virus postexposure management including initiation of hepatitis B vaccine series to any susceptible, unvaccinated person who sustains blood or body fluid exposure. Guidance is provided to clinicians and exposed HCP for selecting the appropriate HBV postexposure prophylaxis (PEP).

HIV Prevalence Trends in Selected Populations in the United States: Results from National Serosurveillance, 1993-1997

This report provides updated data on the incidence and prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the United States resulting from anonymous unlinked surveys conducted by health clinics in selected metropolitan areas. Included in this report are summaries of data from January 1993 through December 1977 from unlinked prevalence surveys conducted in selected STD clinics, drug treatment centers (DTCs), and adolescent medicine clinics, as well as data from HIV screening programs for entrants in the Job Corps, military service, and first-time blood donors.

Young People and HIV/AIDS: Opportunity in Crisis

This report discusses the epidemiology of HIV among adolescents, factors that place them at risk for HIV transmission, why young people are key to defeating the global HIV/AIDS epidemic, and intervention strategies for promoting HIV prevention among individuals of this age group.

Initiating Second Generation HIV Surveillance Systems: Practical Guidelines

This report presents guidelines to assist national AIDS programs and ministries of health in implementing second generation surveillance systems to monitor HIV. The monograph discusses the role of second generation surveillance in a National Strategic plan and the assessment of HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and current behavioral surveillance systems in order to find the gaps and design a new system to fill those gaps.

AIDS Epidemic Update: December 2002

This report presents the latest developments in the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. With maps and regional summaries, this report provides the most recent estimates of the epidemic’s scope and human toll, explores new trends in the epidemic’s evolution, and features a special section examining the links between HIV/AIDS and humanitarian crises. The estimates are based on the most recent available data on the spread of HIV in countries around the world.

Education and HIV/AIDS : A Window of Hope

This monograph discusses the importance of education for children and youth as the best method of HIV. The monograph explains the links between education and HIV, and the negative impact of the AIDS epidemic on education, development, and poverty in many of the developing countries. The monograph presents an overview of efforts countries have been taking to educate students; proposes a strategy for action, which includes pursuit of the Education for All (EFA) goals; and outlines the role of the World Bank in assisting with an education-centered fight against AIDS.

Employers' Handbook on HIV/AIDS: A Guide for Action

This monograph serves as a handbook to guide employers’ organizations and their members in creating programs to deal with the impact of HIV on their companies. The monograph gives basic facts about HIV transmission, prevention, and progress from HIV to AIDS, and regional trends on HIV/AIDS. It discusses whether employers and their organizations should be involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS by examining the effect of HIV/AIDS on the business environment and on individual companies.

HIV/AIDS Counselling, Just a Phone Call Away: Four Case Studies of Telephone Hotline/Helpline Projects

This monograph presents case studies of four HIV/AIDS hotlines: the South African AIDS Helpline; The National AIDS Hotline of Trinidad and Tobago; the Remedios AIDS Foundation Hotline based in Manila, The Philippines; and the nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Talking About Reproductive and Sexual Health Issues (TARSHI) of New Delhi, India. These helplines were chosen on the basis of how well they fit the UNAIDS Best Practices criteria for telephone helplines, how well documented the program had been, the amount of data gathered and how the data were used.
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