Tuberculosis and AIDS
This report, for health professionals, government agencies, and organizations, presents information about HIV/AIDS and TB. It provides epidemiological statistics concerning the relationship between HIV/AIDS and TB, including incidence, morbidity rates, and mortality rates. It discusses TB and HIV transmission, how HIV can facilitate the development of active TB, and recommendations for the prevention of TB among HIV-positive persons.
Prisons and AIDS: UNAIDS Point of View
This technical update reviews the incidence and prevalence of HIV in correctional facilities around the world and explains how this morbidity rate impacts the general public. The risk factors for HIV transmission in correctional facilities are reviewed and include drug injection, unprotected sexual relations, tattooing, skin piercing, blood brotherhood rites, lack of education, TB, and overcrowding. Suggestions for preventing the transmission of HIV in correctional settings are presented.
MMWR: Clinical Update: Impact of HIV Protease Inhibitors on the Treatment of HIV - Infected Tuberculosis Patients With Rifampin
This report describes approaches for managing patients with TB who are candidates for or who are undergoing protease inhibitor therapy and presents interim recommendations for managing these patients until additional data are available and formal guidelines are issued. Protease inhibitors interact with rifamycin derivatives, which are used to treat and prevent the mycobacterial infections commonly observed in patients with the HIV. The report provides background information on the management of TB and the three treatment options currently available for these patients.
1993 Revised Classification System for HIV Infection and Expanded Surveillance Case Definition for AIDS Among Adolescents and Adults
Preventing Infections From Pets: A Guide for People With HIV Infection
Preventing Needlestick Injuries in Health Care Settings
HIV-Related Opportunistic Diseases
MMWR: Notice to Readers: Use of Short-Course Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy Regimens in HIV-Seronegative Persons
This report in the form of a notice to readers states that CDC in conjunction with the American Thoracic Society expects to issue new guidelines on screening and preventive therapy for TB that will include a recommendation on the use of the two-month regimen of daily rifampin and pyrazinamide (2RZ) as an alternative to 12-month isoniazid for prevention of TB in HIV-negative persons for whom preventive therapy is indicated. A comparative trial of the 2RZ regimen in HIV-negative persons has not been conducted.