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Policy Efforts to Increase IDUs' Access to Sterile Syringes

This information sheet explains that in order to reduce the transmission of HIV and other blood-borne infections, injecting drug users (IDUs), who cannot or will not stop injecting drugs, must have access to sterile syringes and injection equipment. However, many laws and regulations prohibit IDUs from purchasing these items. Some states have changed these laws and regulations and have seen positive results.

Pharmacy Sales of Sterile Syringes

This information sheet discusses the role of pharmacies in efforts to help injecting drug users (IDUs) gain access to sterile syringes and equipment in order to reduce their risk of acquiring and transmitting HIV and other blood-borne diseases.The information sheet lists advantages of pharmacy sales, the barriers to pharmacy sales, the changes that some states have made to legalize pharmacy sales, and suggestions for encouraging more pharmacy sales of syringes to IDUs who will not or cannot stop injecting drugs.

Syringe Exchange Programs

This information sheet supports the use of syringe exchange programs (SEPs) for injecting drug users, who will not or cannot stop injecting drugs, as one method of lowering the risk of IDUs acquiring or transmitting HIV. SEPs allow IDUs to safely dispose of used syringes and obtain sterile ones at no cost and offer prevention and health care education and services. The information sheet discusses the public health impact of SEPs and considers the challenges for SEPs and ways of supporting access to sterile syringes through SEPs.

Syringe Disposal

This information sheet discusses the problem of safe disposal of used syringes by diabetics as well as injecting drug users (IDUs) to prevent needlestick injuries and transmission of blood-borne diseases like HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis. The information sheet explains the public concern with syringe disposal, presents safe disposal methods that have been used in some communities, and notes that barriers to syringe disposal programs include laws that establish criminal penalties for distribution and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Teen Risk-Taking: Promising Prevention Programs and Approaches

This monograph is a guide to effective problem behavior prevention programs for at-risk youth. The monograph discusses the level and characteristics of adolescent risk-taking today, common elements of successful prevention programs along with an explanation of criteria used to evaluate programs, the challenges facing practitioners trying to replicate promising programs and suggestions for meeting those challenges, and a prevention readiness questionnaire. The monograph presents profiles of 51 prevention programs whose behavioral evaluations demonstrate their effectiveness.

Leading the Way: USAID Responds to HIV/AIDS

This monograph discusses the work of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) toward preventing and lessening the impact of HIV/AIDS in the developing world. The monograph begins by presenting data on AIDS and its impact in the developing world. This is followed by the USAID response from the beginning of the epidemic to the present.

Together We Can : Leadership in a World of AIDS

This monograph makes recommendations regarding HIV/AIDS-related policy development worldwide. It emphasizes the importance of good leadership at every level to overcome this epidemic. The monograph reviews the global epidemiology and overall impact of HIV/AIDS. It makes recommendations about how to improve HIV/AIDS care and prevention programs through healthcare and political policies and emphasizes the need to protect human rights and solve, nationally and internationally, the many disparities that fuel this epidemic.

Working With Men for HIV Prevention and Care

This monograph provides guidelines for working with men for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS. It describes projects that offer various contexts for working with men. Twelve projects were selected because they demonstrated the importance of working with men and represented a diverse range of interventions with men. The projects address the issue of incorporating gender identification among men within programs, encouraging men to engage in healthy dialogues with men about relationships, working in challenging environments, and working with men at high risk for HIV/AIDS.

Children and Young People in a World of AIDS

This pamphlet examines HIV among children and adolescents internationally. The pamphlet discusses the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS among young persons, the factors and behaviors that place young persons at risk for HIV, statistics on children who have been orphaned as a result of the epidemic, and intervention strategies to prevent HIV transmission to children and adolescents, including mother-to-child transmission.

It's Your (Sex) Life : Your Guide to Safe and Responsible Sex

This pamphlet presents information about pregnancy and STDs, including HIV and serves as a guide to having safe and responsible sex. It discusses pregnancy; the options available to pregnant adolescents; the effectiveness of contraception against pregnancy and STDs; how to talk to partners about practicing safer sex; how to practice safer sex; and the symptoms of, the effects of, and the treatments available for several STDs.