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MMWR: HIV Infection — United States, 2005 and 2008

This report presents estimated numbers of HIV and AIDS diagnoses from the 42 areas (37 states and five US dependent areas) with confidential name-based HIV infection reporting since at least 2005. It also includes the statistics reported to CDC through 2008. The data presented in this report are subject to at least four limitations. First, HIV infection diagnoses might reflect both HIV incidence and testing patterns. Second, data were unavailable from certain states. Third, for transmission categories, denominator data were available for MSM only; when denominator data for injection-drug users and heterosexuals become available in the future, disparities among these groups also can be estimated. Finally, adjustment for reporting delays might be inaccurate and result in less stable rates for the latest years.
Hall, H.I., Hughes, D., Dean, H.D., Mermin, J.H., Fenton, K.A.
Publication Date:
  • Health Planners
  • HIV and AIDS
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