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Responding to AIDS at Home and Abroad: How the U.S. and Other High Income Countries Compare

This study compares the US response to HIV over the course of the epidemic to that of the following seven other nations: Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. It focuses mainly on the domestic responses of these eight nations, although their role in addressing the epidemic in developing countries is also examined. The analysis considers both similarities and differences in the way these eight high-income countries have responded to HIV/AIDS, noting factors that may explain patterns, and discerning themes that emerge from national experiences with an eye toward what they might mean for future efforts. The key themes and findings are epidemiology, governance of the official national AIDS responses, committees and nongovernmental sectors, surveillance and testing, prevention, care and treatment, research, stigma and discrimination, and engagement in the global response.

Focus Area:
Testing and Counseling
Treatment and Care
Publication Date:
74 p.: b&w., tables.
Last Updated Date:
Publication ID: