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Pediatric TB Radiology for Clinicians

This book for clinicians shows and describes examples of radiographic abnormalities common in pediatric tuberculosis, emphasizing pulmonary, lymphatic and meningeal disease. The utility of CT scan and MRI in pediatric TB are also discussed. Radiographs and case studies are used as illustrations throughout the book.

TB in Children

This webpage details TB disease in children under 15 years of age (also called pediatric tuberculosis).

Environmental Control for Tuberculosis: Basic Upper-Room Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Guidelines for Healthcare Settings

The purpose of this document is to examine the different parameters necessary for an effec­tive upper-room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) system and to provide guidelines to healthcare managers, facility designers, engineers, and industrial hygienists on the parameters necessary to install and maintain an effective upper-room UVGI system.

Lo que deben saber los padres sobre la infección de la tuberculosis en los niños[What Parents Need to Know About Tuberculosis (TB) Infection In Children]

This brochure provides parents with important information about latent TB infection (LTBI) in children. It is designed in a question and answer format with highlighted information for quick and easy readability. The brochure can be distributed to parents of children with LTBI and can also used by health care providers when providing education on LTBI to parents. This product is intended to be downloaded, printed and distributed at health department clinics or other locations where treatment of children with LTBI is provided.

Get Checked for TB If You Have...

This poster was designed educate members of the Navajo Nation about the conditions that put one at risk for TB.

Tuberculosis - A Comprehensive Clinical Reference

This book provides vital information about tuberculosis, including drug-resistant strains of the disease. Coverage includes which patient populations face an elevated risk of infection, as well as which therapies are appropriate and how to correctly monitor ongoing treatment so that patients are cured. The book provides guidance from expert clinicians from around the world on how to properly administer screening tests, interpret their results, and identify manifestations of the disease.

Treating TB Infection

This pamphlet, for persons at risk for TB, provides general information about TB, including a definition, how it is spread, the difference between latent TB infection and active TB disease, the meaning of positive and negative TB test results, the need for medications, tips to help remember to take the medication, and possible side effects.

World TB Day Resources Website

This website contains multiple resources for World TB Day, including educational materials and tips for conducting community outreach.