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Lantos-Hyde US Government Tuberculosis Strategy

In response to the urgent need to control the spread of TB, the U.S. Congress passed the Reauthorization Act supporting a substantial increase in USG funding for TB treatment and control over a five-year period. The Reauthorization Act requests the development of a USG Global Tuberculosis Strategy.

TB: Are You at Risk?

This online video describes what TB is and how it is spread. It explains that although TB affects people worldwide, it can be prevented, treated, and cured. The video also identifies individuals who are at risk for TB and emphasizes that they should take the TB skin test.

5 Things to Know About Tuberculosis (TB)

This video highlights the continuing problem of tuberculosis (TB) in the United States and encourages people to take action by visiting the CDC TB website and getting tested for TB infection if they are at risk.

MMWR: Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities: Recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC)

This report reviews guidelines and strategies for preventing environment-associated infections in health-care facilities. It presents recommendations, including evidence-based recommendation supported by studies; requirements of federal agencies; guidelines and standards from building and equipment professional organizations; recommendations from scientific theory or rationale; and experienced opinions based upon infection-control and engineering practices. The report also suggests a series of performance measurements as a way of evaluating infection-control efforts.

LTBI Program Implementation in a Substance Abuse Treatment Facility

This report discusses a client-centered approach to treating latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) in substance abusers at an outpatient treatment facility. The report describes needs assessment at a specific clinic, including the client profile, initial medical screening, existing TB follow-up procedures, problems with the existing follow-up procedures, and the strategy for implementation. The implementation plan, its objectives, revised procedures and advantages of the revised procedures are presented.

Medication Information

This fact sheet discusses TB medication information including side effects, directions for taking medication, and when to notfiy a health professional.

Active Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment Plan

This is a checklist agreement between clients and health care providers for their active tuberculosis (TB) treatment plan.

Treatment for Latent TB Infection

This fact sheet contains information about the treatment of latent TB infection (LTBI) and the prevention of active TB disease.

World TB Day 2007: TB Anywhere is TB Everywhere

TB ANYWHERE IS TB EVERYWHERE is the theme for 2007 World TB Day, March 24th, offering a message of urgency and shared responsibility. The theme emphasizes that although TB is a preventable and curable disease, it remains a global emergency. It reflects the chronically inadequate investment in TB control, surveillance, research and development as well as TB's deadly synergy with HIV.
The website includes planning guidance as well as advocacy materials and resources.