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Basic Epidemiology for Tuberculosis Program Staff, 2nd Edition

The new edition of this guide provides a background on basic epidemiology for TB program staff, as well as descriptions of how these concepts can be put to practical use. In addition to basic epidemiology for tuberculosis, this guide contains information on epidemiologic and statistical techniques that are used in research studies and a chapter on TB genotyping. The information in this guide will assist in analyzing data, assessing current and evolving trends in TB morbidity, identifying risk groups and determining where to allocate staff and resources.

WHO report 2009: Global Tuberculosis Control: Epidemiology, Strategy, Financing

WHO's report on Global TB Control compiles data from over 200 countries and territories each year, monitoring the scale and direction of TB epidemics, implementation and impact of the Stop TB Strategy, and progress towards the Millennium Development Goals.

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Tuberculosis Contact Investigations in Congregate Settings: A Resource for Evaluation

This guide if for use in the evaluation of TB contact investigation in a congregate setting (CICS), such as workplaces, shelters, schools, and places of worship. It is meant to help public health departments, or other TB programs, efficiently investigate everyone who may have come in contact with a person infected with TB and may be at risk.

Tuberculosis y Queso Fresco

This brochure explains the connection between tuberculosis and queso fresco.

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Survival Guide for Clinicians, 3rd edition

This manual is a joint publication of the Curry International TB Center and the Tuberculosis Control Branch of the California Department of Public Health. The 10 chapters and 4 appendices cover major topics pertaining to epidemiology, diagnosis, laboratory issues, treatment, medications, pediatrics, co-morbidities and special situations, monitoring and case management, adverse reactions, and treatment of contacts.

TB 101 for Health Care Workers

TB 101 for Health Care Workers is a Web-based course designed to educate health care workers about basic concepts related to TB prevention and control in the United States. The target audience for the course includes newly hired TB program staff and health care workers in areas related to TB (such as individuals who work in correctional facilities or community health organizations and other health care settings). It is also a great resource for any health care worker to refresh their knowledge of TB.

Making Data Talk: A Workbook

The National Cancer Institute’s newly released publication, Making Data Talk: A Workbook, assists public health practitioners, scientists, health educators, clinicians, researchers, students, and statisticians to understand the critical roles data play in communication. The workbook offers recommendations about selecting and presenting data and introduces the Organize, Plan, Test, Integrate framework, which guides public health practitioners on how to present health data to lay audiences.

Getting the Message Across: Public Health Campaigns (1948–2008)

This book takes a historical look at the power of posters to persuade people to change their behaviour. It charts decades of changing health priorities, advertising trends and government regulations, inviting the reader to reflect on how public health campaigns have evolved, and how they could be improved. The book contains a large global sample of public health posters with translations in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Russian.