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Sekedar Fakta-fakta Tentang BCG & TBC

This pamphlet uses a question and answer format to provide information on the bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine for TB. It discusses skin test results in relation to the BCG vaccine and treatment.

Tuberculosis Survival Handbook

In recognition of the worldwide TB epidemic, this useful publication has been extensively updated. The comprehensive and easily readable text covers the clinician’s and patient’s perspective; practical information including the DOT strategy for adherence to treatment; treatment and management.

Roadmap for MDR-TB Scale-up: Increasing Access to MDR-TB Drugs through Innovation and Action

The Global Drug Facility (GDF) is a mechanism to expand access to, and availability of, high-quality anti-TB drugs and diagnostics to support the Stop TB Strategy.

This document outlines progress that GDF has made to date, what still needs to be done and where high-level advocacy could help GDF to further scale up its activities.

Mass Media Campaign to Help Eliminate TB in Brazil: Final Report

This report includes a description and evaluation of a national media campaign that Development Media International (DMI) conducted in April 2006 to promote treatment of tuberculosis (TB) in Brazil, in partnership with the Ministry of Health of Brazil, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The campaign included 3 television spots and 10 radio spots broadcast over a 30-day period.

Tuberculosis: Enterese! [TB: Get the Facts]

General information about what is tuberculosis (TB), the difference between LTBI and active TB, and how to get tested for TB.

Luís Figo and the World Tuberculosis Cup

In this comic book, Luis Figo and his friends play a game of football/soccer against a team of TB germs. The book aims to educate young readers about the basics of TB.

Le plan mondial Halte à la tuberculose

This pamphlet discusses the World Health Organization's Global Plan to Stop Tuberculosis. It provides information about TB infection, explains the global plan, describes the success of the directly observed therapy short course (DOTS) treatment program, and the proposal of the global plan to expand the DOTS program. The pamphlet addresses treatment issues concerning TB-HIV coinfection and drug-resistant TB, the search for new and faster-working drug treatment, and vaccine development and makes a plea for additional funding to help meet the goals of the global plan.