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Tuberculosis and Queso Fresco

This brochure explains the connection between tuberculosis and queso fresco.

Tuberculosis Infection Control: A Practical Manual for Preventing TB

This manual provides information about the guidelines and regulations pertaining to TB infection control, methods of reducing the risk of TB infection, and facility-specific guidelines for reducing the risk and dealing with potential exposure.

The manual contains information, forms, signs, and user-friendly tools for clinics, hospitals, homeless shelters, and other parties interested in the prevention and control of tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis Information for Employers in Non-Healthcare Settings

This fact sheet provides general TB information for employers in non-healthcare organizations. It distinguishes between latent TB infection and active disease, describes transmission and symptoms, and gives contact information.

Lights of Hope: A National Communication Strategy for Fighting Tuberculosis in Kenya

This publication describes Lights of Hope, a stand-alone National Tuberculosis Communication Strategy for use in Kenya in the fight against tuberculosis (TB). It is based on a study of health-seeking behaviours among Kenyans, strategy design workshops with stakeholders, and meetings with frontline TB workers. It presents a strategy for reducing the impact of TB in Kenya through communication strategies aimed at behavior change.

Model Tuberculosis Prevention Program for College Campuses

This manual provides student health centers at colleges and universities with a guide for developing and implementing a TB screening and testing program. It includes many helpful resources that can be modified and used by individual campuses.