HIV Treatment Works Infographic
Details new HIV infections in the United State, 2010 from CDC.
Details new HIV infections in the United State, 2010 from CDC.
Promote CDC's campaign to overcome barriers to get people living with HIV in care and to stay on treatment. Find more banners.
This information sheet presents statistics on HIV cases reported in the United States through 2011. It provides epidemiological data on adults and adolescents who were diagnosed in 2010 and 2011 by transmission categories, sex, and race/ethnicity. Contact information is provided for CDC resources.
Promote discussion about HIV/AIDS in Latino communities. Find more campaign banners from CDC.
There are more tools to effectively prevent HIV than ever before. Since no single strategy provides complete protection or is right for all individuals, a combination of methods is needed to help reduce HIV transmission. CDC and its partners are currently pursuing a High-Impact Prevention approach to reducing the continued toll of HIV. This approach seeks to use the best mix of proven, cost-effective, and scalable interventions for high-risk populations and areas of the nation (see "Future of HIV Prevention" fact sheet for information).
This information sheet provides an overview of HIV/AIDS in the United States, including the number of persons with the disease. It states that the number of new infections has remained stable, but that an estimated 50,000 persons who become newly infected every year is too high. It notes that nearly 15,000 people with AIDS still die each year in the United States. The information sheet provides statistics on the heavily affected populations by risk group and race/ethnicity.