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 Get Checked Logo
Date Created:
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
The Veterans Health Administration created this campaign to promote early diagnosis and encourage every veteran to get tested for HIV at least once. There are campaign materials geared to veterans and to providers, including fact sheets, posters, and a web badge.
 ru2hot? Logo
Date Created:
University of Washington

ru2hot? was a small campaign designed to teach HIV-negative men who have sex with men in Seattle the signs and symptoms of acute HIV infection so that they could recognize these signs and seek HIV testing.

 Drug Abuse and HIV: Learn the Link Logo
Date Created:
National Institute on Drug Abuse

The Learn the Link campaign continues to raise awareness among the young generation of the real risks of drug use for transmitting HIV, and it encourages them to share this information with their peers to prevent the spread of this disease. The campaign uses TV, print, and Web public service...

 One & Only Campaign Logo

The One & Only Campaign raises awareness among patients and healthcare providers about safe injection practices. The campaign aims to eradicate outbreaks resulting from unsafe injection practices. The goal of the campaign is to ensure patients are protected each and every time they receive a medical...

 We Are Members of This Community Logo
LGBT Center of Raleigh

We Are Members of This Community was formed to raise awareness of the issues that African American gay population face and to help end homophobia and the violence it spreads through hate. It is a resource for men who have sex with men (MSM) in the prevention and risk reduction of sexually...

 HIV is Ageless Logo
Gay Men's Health Crisis

The campaign encourages people of all ages to get tested for HIV and reminds people that "regardless of age, people can be at risk for HIV if they have unprotected sex or share needles." The images used in the campaign reflect the diversity of women and men in terms of age, race and culture.

 I Love My Boo Logo
Gay Men's Health Crisis

The I Love My Boo campaign seeks to address homophobia and reduce the spread of HIV with its precise focus on populations most susceptible to the disease. Featured throughout New York City, ILMB directly challenges homophobia and encourages all who come across it to critically re-think notions of...

 The Black Church & HIV: The Social Justice Imperative Logo
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

African Americans are more likely to become infected with HIV, less likely to know they have the disease, and more likely to die from HIV/AIDS than any other race. Given the Black Church's historic involvement in advocacy, the NAACP created the campaign, "The Black Church & HIV: The Social Justice...

 HIV Stops With Me Logo
Better World Advertising
Since its inception in 2000, HIV Stops With Me is a multifaceted, national social-marketing campaign that aims to prevent the spread of HIV while also reducing the stigma associated with the disease. The campaign features real HIV positive people talking about real issues. The campaign focuses on...
 Graying of AIDS Logo
The Graying of AIDS
The Graying of AIDS was initially produced for Time Magazine in 2006, as both a photo and multimedia essay to draw attention to the aging demographics of people living with the virus in the United States. Publication was timed to coincide with the release of ACRIA‘s groundbreaking ROAH study during...