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Viral Hepatitis

Staying Healthy While Living With Advanced Liver Issues Webinar

In the United States, millions of people have been diagnosed with a liver disease. How do you take care of your liver if you have cirrhosis or liver disease? Watch this webinar by Hep B United where they discuss some ways to manage liver health when living with advanced liver disease.

Hepatitis B Screening, Prevention, & Management for African Immigrants in the US

In this webinar, the diverse panel of experts shared insights about the unique challenges faced in the United States by African immigrants and refugee communities in accessing appropriate diagnosis and care for hepatitis B. They also  discussed important strategies for reducing the spread of hepatitis B and addressing the epidemic in a holistic way.

Best Practices on HBV Universal Implementation

In this webinar, panelists provide best practices on their efforts to implement universal screening and vaccination within their communities, challenges they have faced, and the findings of a brand new Call-to-Action to eliminate hepatitis B through the new universal recommendations.

The Impact of Stigma and Discrimination Affecting People with Hepatitis B

This report highlights the human experiences of stigma and discrimination related to hepatitis B by demonstrating the impact that living with the virus can have on mental health, quality of life, individual freedoms and human rights. We focus on the work of people trying to challenge this stigma, discriminations and describe the support they need to be successful. 

Coordination with Medicare

This information sheet walks through some of the basic elements of the Medicare program and provides information to support RWHAP Part B/ADAP staff in adapting program activities to better coordinate with Medicare coverage, including providing premium and cost-sharing assistance for clients.

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