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Viral Hepatitis

Viral Hepatitis Testing: Health System Assessment Toolkit

NASTAD, in collaboration with the CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis, developed the “Viral Hepatitis Testing: Health System Assessment Toolkit,” a comprehensive resource that includes information and considerations for creating a jurisdiction-specific health system assessment (HSA) in response to recently revised and expanded hepatitis B and C screening guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.

Measuring Syringe Coverage at SSPs: An Indicator for Equity and Needs-Based Distribution

On July 20, 2023, NASTAD hosted a webinar for the University of Washington Supporting Harm Reductions Programs team, “Measuring Syringe Coverage at SSPs: An Indicator for Equity and Needs-Based Distribution.” During this webinar, UW SHaRP shared tools and tips for syringe services programs interested in measuring syringe coverage among their program participants.  

Toolkit for New Viral Hepatitis Health Department Staff

This toolkit is designed for new viral hepatitis health department staff to help you get started in your new role and includes basic information, recommendations, key national partners, CDC funding opportunities, and where to go for help.

Coalition Building Webinar

This Webinar discusses how HBF and AAPCHO look at coalition-building through the lens of their work on Hep B United and the Tuberculosis Elimination Alliance.

Stimulant Safety Getting Amped Up to Reduce Harms When Using Stimulants

This resource provides an overview of stimulants and aims to educate individuals and organizations that provide services to people who use methamphetamine and other stimulants. This resource offers education on the reasons people take stimulants, including the potential positive aspects to use and potential risks of use; how to minimize harm, reduce stigma around stimulants, and support peoples’ positive experiences. It discusses the intersection of stimulant use and sexual safety; tips

Best Practices on HBV Universal Implementation

In this webinar, panelists provide best practices on their efforts to implement universal screening and vaccination within their communities, challenges they have faced, and the findings of a brand new Call-to-Action to eliminate hepatitis B through the new universal recommendations.

Best Practices on HBV Universal Implementation

In this webinar, panelists provide best practices on their efforts to implement universal screening and vaccination within their communities, challenges they have faced, and the findings of a brand new Call-to-Action to eliminate hepatitis B through the new universal recommendations.

Snapshot From The Field

Watch this panel discussion with Hep B United partners about the work they’re doing on the ground, the challenges they’re facing in their communities, and the strategies they’re employing to ensure hepatitis B awareness, education, screening, vaccination, and treatment are reaching those who need it.

Universal Adult Hepatitis B Screening Is Here - Part I: What does it mean for providers?

Adult hepatitis B guidelines for screening and vaccination have shifted from risk-based to universal. What does that mean for providers? Join us to watch this webinar as panelists provide an overview of the new universal hepatitis B screening recommendations for adults, how they work with the new vaccination recommendation and lessons from groups working to implement these two guidelines.

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