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Viral Hepatitis

Drug Use and Viral Infections (HIV, Hepatitis) DrugFacts

This publication discusses how people who engage in drug use or high-risk behaviors associated with drug use put themselves at risk for contracting or transmitting viral infections such as HIV/AIDS or hepatitis.

Hepatitis B and HIV Screening, Prevention, and Management for African Immigrants and Refugees in the United States: Barriers and Solutions

A webinar presented by a diverse panel of experts who shared insights about the unique challenges faced by African immigrant and refugee communities in accessing appropriate diagnosis and care for hepatitis B in the United States, and discussed important strategies for reducing the spread of hepatitis B and addressing the epidemic in a holistic way.

Deeper Look: Immunization

This webpage discusses how Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B are preventable through vaccination.

Deeper Look: Opioids

This webpage discusses the opioid crisis is one of the greatest public health challenges facing the U.S., causing an unprecedented surge in overdose deaths, and fueling the rapid rise in new Hepatitis C infections from injection drug use in communities across the country. Find helpful infographics at the bottom of the page.

Best Practices for Community Engagement from a Public Health Perspective

RAISE and NASTAD’s webinar, “Best Practices for Community Engagement from a Public Health Perspective,” took place on Wednesday, July 19. This webinar featured two speakers discussing community engagement best practices, from a public health perspective. The discussion focused on approaches to assessing community preferences for public health interventions. 

Viral Hepatitis Testing: Health System Assessment Toolkit

NASTAD, in collaboration with the CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis, developed the “Viral Hepatitis Testing: Health System Assessment Toolkit,” a comprehensive resource that includes information and considerations for creating a jurisdiction-specific health system assessment (HSA) in response to recently revised and expanded hepatitis B and C screening guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.

Measuring Syringe Coverage at SSPs: An Indicator for Equity and Needs-Based Distribution

On July 20, 2023, NASTAD hosted a webinar for the University of Washington Supporting Harm Reductions Programs team, “Measuring Syringe Coverage at SSPs: An Indicator for Equity and Needs-Based Distribution.” During this webinar, UW SHaRP shared tools and tips for syringe services programs interested in measuring syringe coverage among their program participants.  

Toolkit for New Viral Hepatitis Health Department Staff

This toolkit is designed for new viral hepatitis health department staff to help you get started in your new role and includes basic information, recommendations, key national partners, CDC funding opportunities, and where to go for help.