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CDC Website

Viral Hepatitis

Physician Directory

This webpage is an online group for qualified liver specialists who are knowledgeable about chronic hepatitis B to be listed in the Hepatitis B Foundation's Physician Directory.

Thinking About Starting a Supportive Housing Program? Recommendations and Considerations for the Planning Process

This guideline, Informed by conversations with current housing and harm reduction service providers, Thinking About Starting a Supportive Housing Program? Recommendations and Considerations for the Planning Process may be used to help inform programmatic development for supportive housing. It is intended for governmental and community-based organizations that are interested in developing housing programs within their organization or collaborating with other partners in their communities.

Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) in Harm Reduction Settings

This toolkit is for harm reduction workers who are considering participating in research activities, or who already have existing community-academic research partnerships. It may also be of use to academic researchers studying issues related to harm reduction, though they are not the main audience for the toolkit.

Unlocking Viral Hepatitis Elimination on the African Continent

A webinar from representatives of the Great Lakes Peace Centre, Coalition Against Hepatitis for People of African Origin, and Ubora Foundation that highlights the efforts toward achieving viral hepatitis elimination in Uganda and elsewhere through awareness-raising, and involvement of women, youth, coalitions, community health workers, and others.