HIV/AIDS And African Americans
CDC Resources
HIV/AIDS among African Americans—Fact Sheet
From CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention
HIV Among African-American Gay and Bisexual Men and Black MSM
From CDC's Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention
Promoting Parent Engagement in Schools to Prevent HIV and other STDs Among Teens: Information for State and Local Education Agencies
This information sheet discusses parent engagement in schools, which it defines as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents. It also discusses ways in way engagement can occur, what research shows, and types of engagement.
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[Say Yes to the HIV Test We're Asking Everyone. It's the Law.]
This poster has eight bullet points about the HIV testing law in New York. Although health care providers are now required to offer an HIV test to everyone aged 13-64, testing is still voluntary and anonymous testing is available in certain locations.
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[Say Yes to the HIV Test We're Asking Everyone. It's the Law.]
This poster has eight bullet points about the HIV testing law in New York. Although health care providers are now required to offer an HIV test to everyone aged 13-64, testing is still voluntary and anonymous testing is available in certain locations.
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Di Wi Pou Tes VIH la. N AP Mande tout Moun. Se Lalwa Ki Egzije Sa.
This poster has eight bullet points about the HIV testing law in New York. Although health care providers are now required to offer an HIV test to everyone aged 13-64, testing is still voluntary and anonymous testing is available in certain locations.
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Ways to Influence Your Teen’s Sexual Risk Behavior: What Fathers Can Do
This information sheet is to help guide fathers to influence their teenagers sexual risk behaviors in positive ways. It encourages fathers to monitor and supervise their teen, be involved in their lives, communicate well, and share their values. It also provides a list of resources for additional information and assistance.
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Say Yes to the HIV Test We're Asking Everyone. It's the Law.
This poster has eight bullet points about the HIV testing law in New York. Although health care providers are now required to offer an HIV test to everyone aged 13-64, testing is still voluntary and anonymous testing is available in certain locations.
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