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PEPFAR's Second Phase: Progress Stunted for Youth-Specific Prevention and Treatment

This report contains an analysis of the policy environment for youth in the second 5-year phase of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The report concludes with recommendations for policymakers to design and implement the bold policy needed to support youth sexual and reproductive health and rights.

HIV Among U.S. Youth 2016

This infographic illustrates the status of HIV among American youth. It states that youth make up six percent of the people living with HIV in the United States. It also states that schools have direct contact with 50 million youth and that they play an important role in guiding youth to make healthy choices.

HIV/AIDS in the Lives of Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States

This report summarizes the findings of survey of gay and bisexual men in the U.S. that focused on their attitudes, knowledge, and experiences with HIV/AIDS and new HIV therapies. The study was conducted to find out what gay and bisexual men knew and thought about HIV, new treatments, and the obstacles to taking them.

HIV, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), and Women: New Opportunities Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

This information sheet is an Issue Brief that discusses how Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) has been shown to be associated with increased risk for HIV among women as well as poorer treatment outcomes for those who are already infected. The brief provides an overview of new opportunities to address the needs of women at risk for and living with HIV who have experienced IPV, as well as a summary of key statistics and definitions.

Are You Ready for PrEP? PrEP Basics

This poster is an infographic that presents complex information quickly and clearly about PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), an HIV prevention option that works by taking one pill every day. It is part of CDC's Act Against AIDS, Start Talking. Stop HIV. campaign. The infographic discusses the basics of PrEP and how it works.

Are You Ready for PrEP? How Can I Start PrEP?

This poster is an infographic that presents complex information quickly and clearly about PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), an HIV prevention option that works by taking one pill every day. It is part of CDC's Act Against AIDS, Start Talking. Stop HIV. campaign. The infographic recommends talking to a physician about getting a prescription and discusses how to pay for the medication.

It's Your Future. You Can Protect It.

This poster encourages teens who is sexually active to always use condoms, along with another form of birth control, to prevent pregnancy. It also encourages condom use to prevent transmission of STDs and HIV.

Condom Distribution as a Structural-Level Intervention

This information sheet discusses condom distribution as a structural level intervention. It states that Condom Distribution Programs (CDPs) have proven to increase condom use, prevent HIV and STDs, and save money. The fact sheet also provides elements to consider while designing an effective CDP. The information sheet provides examples of successful programs at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the District of Columbia Department of Health, HIV/AIDS Hepatitis, STD, and TB Administration.

Opportunistic Infections (OIs) in HIV/AIDS

This poster summarizes the guidelines for prevention and treatment of selected opportunistic infections (OIs). It contains a table with available dosage forms and food requirements of drugs and discusses the most common OIs.