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Viral Hepatitis

Working with LGBT Students of Color: A Guide for Educators

The following considerations are meant to help educators think more deeply about the experiences of LGBT students of color and their needs. It is not an exhaustive list, but one that was created in hopes of inspiring additional thoughts and questions amongst school staff.

Protect Babies from Hepatitis B for Life

This pamphlet provides information about the hepatitis B vaccine and encourages parents to begin the series with their newborn. A vaccine schedule is also provided.

Hepatitis C in Texas

This information sheet discusses hepatitis C, how it's spread, co-infection with HIV, statistics of hepatitis C in Texas, how it's prevented, how it's treated, and the cost of treatment.

Take Charge: A Gay Man's Guide to Sexual Health

This information sheet discusses tests that gay men should have, including hepatitis, HIV, and STDs. It encourages gay men to have testing on a regular basis and not wait until there are symptoms. It also suggests speaking to a health professional about PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV.

Take Charge: A Gay Man's Guide to STD Testing

This information sheet discusses tests that gay men should have, including hepatitis, HIV, and STDs. It explains the different testing methods for diseases.

Guide for HIV/AIDS Clinical Care

This manual for clinicians provides guidelines for clinical care of persons with HIV/AIDS. This updated version incorporates many new insights, but the time-tested format has been retained – easy access to crucial facts for a busy clinician. The guide touches on every topic facing people with HIV and their caregivers.

Hepatitis B & Sexual Health

This information sheet discusses hepatitis B and sexual health. It explains hepatitis B virus infection; how the disease is transmitted, including transmission through sexual contact with an infected person; prevention; how it is diagnosed; and treatment.