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Viral Hepatitis

#justB: Real People Sharing their Stories of Hepatitis B

This campaign creates a national storybank featuring real people living with hepatitis B who share their stories and put a human face on this serious disease. They hope to decrease stigma and discrimination and promote testing, immunization and treatment for hepatitis B to save lives. A new story will be featured each month during 2017. 

Combating Hepatitis B Among High-Risk Communities: A Government-Community Partnership

This interactive session provides information about a unique government-community partnership, new multilingual hepatitis B educational resources, and local efforts to increase awareness and encourage hepatitis B testing. Panelists discuss outreach, screening, vaccination, and linkage to care strategies to address hepatitis B among high-risk populations in Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and other communities.

HBU Webinar: Hepatitis Delta: The Hidden Epidemic

This session focuses on hepatitis B global epidemiology, as well as hepatitis D testing, management and treatment. This interactive session discusses how we can work together to improve awareness and testing for HBV co-infection.


Stigma stops the majority of people living with viral hepatitis from enjoying the quality of life they deserve. As a community, we must come together to challenge misconceptions and be empowered to act on violations. We asked people living with viral hepatitis to share their experiences and say stop to stigma.

Excuses PSA

Video features people going about their everyday activities and offering excuses on why they think they do not need to be tested for hepatitis B.
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