Viral Hepatitis
HCSP Fact Sheet: Tips for Lowering Prescription Drug Costs
HCSP Fact Sheet: Your Medical History
Hepatitis A: General Information
This information sheet provides general information about hepatitis A. It explains the disease; provides statistics on hepatitis occurrence in the United States; and discusses at-risk persons, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. It promotes the usage of vaccine as the best method of preventing the disease and lists persons who should get vaccinated against hepatitis A.
Millions of People Have Hepatitis Most Don't Know It [US Map]
This poster states that many people are unaware of their hepatitis infection. The illustration is in the shape of a United States map with small thumbnail pictures of different people. It advises individuals to talk to their doctor and get tested.
One in Twenty
This video details how common hepatitis B is and the dangers associated with it. It says that one in twenty people have been exposed to hepatitis B and that most people don't know they have it. The video also says that hepatitis B is the 3rd most common cause of death from cancer in males, and the 7th most common in females. It also describes the history of the Hepatitis B Foundation and how the organization is working to finding a cure, improving the lives of those living with hepatitis B, and eliminating the disease.
Update on the Management and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection: Recommendations from the Department of Veterans Affairs Hepatitis C Resource Center Program and the National Hepatitis C Program Office
This journal article is a practice guideline that provides recommendations summarizing the growing literature and current best practices of chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) treatment, including treatment in difficult-to-treat populations. These recommendations are based on an extensive review of published data, national consensus recommendations, and input from thought leaders involved in HCV care and treatment.