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Striving for a World Free of Tuberculosis

Produced by Global Health TV, this film is about the Stop TB Parternship. The film features an interview with Executive Secretary Dr Marcos Espinal and a close-up of the vital role partnership is playing in advancing TB control in Brazil.

World Atlas of BCG Policies and Practices, 2nd Edition

The BCG World Atlas is a database of policies and practices of the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine from countries all over the world.

Variations in BCG vaccination practices impact the interpretation of TB diagnostics, such as the widely used Tuberculin Skin Test (TST). This tool can assist clinicians in making diagnostic decisions concerning TB infection.

International Travel Information: Tuberculosis

This fact sheet provides general information tuberculosis (TB) for those traveling internationally. It describes the risk of TB to travelers and the testing guidelines for travelers.

China Cultural Competency and Tuberculosis Control: A Practical Guide for Health Professionals Working with Foreign-Born Clients

The Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center in collaboration with the Lung Health Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham developed this TB-specific cultural competency guide for China. The guide provides epidemiological information for both TB and HIV in the country, nicknames for TB, common misperceptions surrounding the etiology, disease transmission, and cures for TB and HIV as well as the stigma surrounding these diseases.

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Adequate ventilation can reduce the transmission of infection in health-care settings. Natural ventilation can be one of the effective environmental measures to reduce the risk of spread of infections in health care.

This guideline first defines ventilation and then natural ventilation. It explores the design requirements for natural ventilation in the context of infection control, describing the basic principles of design, construction, operation and maintenance for an effective natural ventilation system to control infection in health-care settings.

TB & Cultural Competency: Notes from the Field

The challenges of TB-HIV co-Infection are highlighted in this issue. Psychosocial aspects of HIV diagnosis and self-awareness are also discussed.

Signs and Symptoms of TB for Shelters

This material, available in English and Spanish, provides information for shelter guests about TB. The material can be used as a fact sheet or as a poster.

Working Together with Businesses: Guidance on TB and TB/HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care in the workplace

This document is designed to provide guidance to TB and HIV programme managers, employers, workers organizations, occupational health staff and other partners on the need and ways to work in partnership to design and implement workplace TB/HIV prevention, treatment and care programmes integrated with occupational health and HIV workplace programmes where relevant.