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TB Testing Arm Set

This aid is a replica of the upper part of the forearm only. It is made to lie flat on a table and to fit easily into a briefcase or tote bag. Each arm has four different indurations. A set of one beige and one brown arm is available.

Effective TB Interviewing for Contact Investigations Materials: Videotape

The Effective TB Interviewing for Contact Investigations Materials include a Faciltator-Led Training Guide, Self-Study Modules, and a Videotape. The materials can be used together or on their own. Each material has to be ordered separately from the CDC website order form. This 67-minute videotape demonstrates successful interviewing strategies with TB patients and is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of health care workers who are responsible for conducting TB interviews with patients as part of contact investigations.

About Your Treatment for Latent TB

This pamphlet explains TB transmission, the difference between latent TB infection (LTBI) and TB disease, and the treatment for LTBI.

A Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation for Collaborative TB/HIV Activities

This book was developed to assist in the management of TB and HIV/AIDS programs that are implementing or planning to implement collaborative TB/HIV activities. It is intended to facilitate the collection of standardized data and help in the interpretation and dissemination of these data for program improvement. It aims to ensure consistency across all agencies and stakeholders involved in HIV/AIDS, TB, and collaborative TB/HIV activities.

Facility TB Profile: Working With Community Health Agencies to Strengthen LTBI Activities

This resource will provide health departments with the ability to identify health care facilities in the community where targeted TB testing and treatment of LTBI are likely to be most successful and efficient. Used in conjunction with another product developed by the New Jersey Medical School National TB Center (NTBC), Identifying Missed Opportunities for Preventing TB, health departments should be able to strengthen activities in specific target facilities in the community.

The Human Face of TB

This flash movie is an informational film based on the report "Tuberculosis" published by WHO. The movie puts a human face on the TB epidemic and the deadly interaction between TB and HIV. It depicts the suffering of people affected by this disease through images and interviews. Outlining the efficacy of the DOTS program, the movie makes clear that continued commitment and expanded resources are vital to combat TB.

How to Organize Training for Health Facility Staff on TB Control: Management of Tuberculosis Training for Health Facility Staff

Aimed at provincial or district level staff responsible for training health facility staff who detect and treat cases of tuberculosis (TB), this guide explains options for using the course "Management of Tuberculosis: Training for Health Facility Staff." This guide is for the staff who will implement training at the provincial or district level, according to directives from the national level.