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TB Contact Investigations

This fact sheet gives general information about what a TB contact investigation is and why it is important.

Patient Education Materials Series

This series covers six topics —TB disease, TB infection, tuberculin skin testing, TB contact investigation, TB and HIV coinfection, and TB medicine. The materials are in English (low literacy), Spanish with English translation, Tagalog with English translation, and Vietnamese with English translation.

The TB Skin Test (Mantoux)

This fact sheet provides information on how the skin test is given and read, and what the results mean.

Frequently Asked Questions about XDR-TB

This fact sheet covers frequently asked questions regarding extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB). Information on the medical definition, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention are included. The fact sheet also addresses travel safety, the link to HIV/AIDS, and WHO's actions to combat XDR-TB.

Trends in Tuberculosis, 2011

This fact sheet provides an overview of the trends in tuberculosis. General information about TB and statistics on TB are covered in the fact sheet.

Speaking Books

The Speaking Book is a practical solution to the dual challenge of low literacy and shortage of training community workers. The Speaking Book is an interactive, multi-lingual hard-backed book with a 5 minute recorded sound box, that is seen, read, heard, and understood, regardless of reading ability. Each page features colorful illustrations with a short text and an icon that corresponds to a button on a keypad to trigger a celebrity voice reading the text on that page. The back cover of every book lists the phone numbers and contact details for the relevant health care support.

Manatili sa Tamang Paraan sa Gamot sa TB[Staying on Track with TB Medicine]

This booklet is one of several culturally-appropriate patient education materials produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Northeastern National Tuberculosis Center. This booklet provides information on treatment for TB infection, treatment for TB disease, and how to stay on track with a medicine plan. Also available in English and Spanish.

Consent and Treatment Plan (LTBI)

This is a consent and treatment plan agreement between persons who may have or have LTBI and their health care provider.