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Personal Stories from TB Survivors

A series of personal stories and videos featuring TB survivors from Kenya, Namibia, Ethiopia, and South Africa.

Stop TB Partnership- TB Info Media Pack

A variety of advocacy materials that were released by the Stop TB Partnership ahead of the United Nations High-Level General Assembly Meeting. The materials include TB FAQs, fact sheets, Key Asks from TB stakeholders and communities, a list per country of people who do not receive TB care and treatment, country-specific TB data tiles, important organizations and partners, and Voices from the TB survivors (video and quotes).

We urge you to disseminate the TB INFO Media Pack to your media contacts.

Field Guide for the Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

This tool was developed to help health workers in the clinical and operational management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. The tool emphasizes the introduction, implementation and management of the nine-month treatment regimen.

Customizable Take on TB Infographic with Instructions

The customizable “Take on TB” infographic allows you to add state or local-level TB data in the template provided. There are 9 editable areas: one image and eight text fields.

Timeline of Care- Active TB

The one-page document provides a general timeline of care for patients undergoing treatment for TB disease.

TB Net Clinic Systems Manual

This information packet discusses the use of a clinician-based referral and tracking system for migrant workers with TB. It includes samples of a pocket-sized bilingual (English/Spanish) treatment record for migrant workers.

World TB Day 2002 Highlights Report: 24.03.2002

This report discusses the global efforts of national education and advocacy events that occurred on World Tuberculosis (TB) Day 2002. The report provides information about campaigns that promoted TB prevention through socioeconomic change, government support, the formation of partnerships between governments and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and improved healthcare access and delivery.