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Lo Que Usted Necesita Saber Sobre Sus Medicamentos Contra la Infección de Tuberculosis (TB) Latente[What You Need to Know About Your Medicine for Latent Tuberculosis (TB) Infection-Fact Sheet Series]

The Latent TB Infection (LTBI) Treatment Fact Sheet Series is designed to complement patient education delivered by healthcare professionals. For each of the three CDC-recommended LTBI regimens, there is a fact sheet in the series that can be personalized for individual patients. Each sheet provides patients with a written reminder of their treatment regimen, medication side effects, actions to take if side effects do occur, tips to help remain adherent to the medication, and instructions in the event a dose of medication is missed.

HIV and Tuberculosis

This fact sheet provides fast facts about HIV and tuberculosis as well as the numbers, prevention challenges, what CDC is doing, and additional resources.

International Standards for Tuberculosis Care, Edition 3

The International Standards for Tuberculosis Care describe a level of care that all practitioners should seek to provide in managing patients with known or suspected TB. The Standards are intended to facilitate the effective engagement of all care providers in delivering high-quality care for patients of all ages.

TB 101 para trabajadores de la salud[TB 101 for Health Care Workers]

TB 101 para trabajadores de la salud is designed to educate Spanish-speaking health care workers about basic concepts related to TB prevention and control in the United States. The target audience for the course includes newly hired TB program staff and health care workers in areas related to TB (such as individuals who work in correctional facilities or HIV/AIDS clinics).

Homelessness and TB Toolkit

The Homelessness and TB Toolkit is an online resource developed to assist both public health programs and homeless service agencies in the important work of TB control among people experiencing homelessness. The toolkit contains guidelines, forms, signs, educational materials, articles, and other resources. Many of the tools found on the site are presented as templates that can be modified or edited for a given program’s needs.

TB Infection Patient Educational Materials

The goal of these materials is to teach patients about TB infection and to motivate them to start and complete treatment if diagnosed. The materials are designed to encourage provider-patient interactions for active learning through the process of testing and treatment decisions. There are four materials in this series and it is suggested to use the materials as a continuum, as they build upon each other.

What is Tuberculosis?

This fact sheet provides general information regarding TB infection and TB disease.

Also available in the following languages: Amharic, Arabic, Cape Verdean Creole, Chinese, French, Gujarati, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Khmer, Nepali, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

Corrections Toolkit

This online resource provides a variety of tools to assist corrections staff and public health TB programs who work with correctional facilities in TB control efforts. These tools may be downloaded and modified to meet the specific needs of each site. The site contains a large compilation of modifiable forms and templates, archived webinar training, and various written, video and online resources to support TB work within correctional facilities.