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The Human Face of TB

This flash movie is an informational film based on the report "Tuberculosis" published by WHO. The movie puts a human face on the TB epidemic and the deadly interaction between TB and HIV. It depicts the suffering of people affected by this disease through images and interviews. Outlining the efficacy of the DOTS program, the movie makes clear that continued commitment and expanded resources are vital to combat TB.

Transmission of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Associated with Failed Completion of Treatment for Latent Tuberculosis Infection - Chickasaw County, Mississippi, June 1999--March 2002. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 52(11): 222-224, March 21, 2003.

This report summarizes the results of an investigation of the patients and their contacts in Chickasaw County, Mississippi during the period from June 1999 to March 2002, and demonstrates the need for strategies to increase the proportion of infected contacts that successfully complete treatment for latent TB infection (LTBI).

World TB Day CDC Website

This website, which is updated annually, contains an introduction with the history of World TB Day and multiple resources, including educational materials and posters. This website also provides a place for health educators and advocates to post and share activities they are planning for World TB Day. The 2018 US World TB Day theme is "Wanted: Leaders for a TB-Free United States. We can make history. End TB"

TB: Are You at Risk?

This online video describes what TB is and how it is spread. It explains that although TB affects people worldwide, it can be prevented, treated, and cured. The video also identifies individuals who are at risk for TB and emphasizes that they should take the TB skin test.

4 Million Treatments in 4 Years: The Global TB Drug Facility Achievements Report

This is an achievement report about the Global Drug Facility (GDF), a key initiative of the STOP TB Partnership, which has had a positive impact on the treatment of millions of TB patients globally since its establishment in 2001. By providing high-quality TB drugs to over 4.4 million people in some of the world's poorest countries, it has helped to save lives and has significantly strengthened global TB control efforts.

Georgia Tuberculosis Reference Guide

This manual responds to clinicians' questions about tuberculosis infection, disease, and control.

The standards and guidelines are based on the work and experiences of the American Thoracic Society, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Infectious Disease Society of America, Emory University, the World Health Organization, and the Atlanta TB Prevention Coalition.