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Briefing Note - 2: World Stop TB Day 2005

This Briefing Note outlines a strategic advocacy plan, and provides (1) a listing of key global and regional advocacy events, (2) a short list of suggested activities to implement at national and sub-national levels, and (3) a list of information products that the Stop TB Partnership Secretariat will produce for global distribution.

MSF Fact Sheet: Tuberculosis

This fact sheet provides an overview of TB diagnosis, treatment, and drug-resistant TB. It also reviews the Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), campaign for Access to Essential Medicines, which has dealt with TB since its first day of operations more than 30 years ago.

INH: Standing Between You and Tuberculosis

This pamphlet discusses the use of the drug isoniazid (INH) to treat latent TB infection. It provides information on the length of treatment and side effects.

Tuberculosis: Get the Facts!

This brochure provides information about the basic facts of tuberculosis.

TB Contact Investigations

This fact sheet gives general information about what a TB contact investigation is and why it is important.