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Tuberculosis Provider Toolkit

This toolkit provides information on assessing, testing, and treating individuals with latent TB infection. Included in the toolkit are risk assessment forms and fact sheets regarding diagnosis and treatment for latent TB infection.

TB Infection Patient Educational Materials

The goal of these materials is to teach patients about TB infection and to motivate them to start and complete treatment if diagnosed. The materials are designed to encourage provider-patient interactions for active learning through the process of testing and treatment decisions. There are four materials in this series and it is suggested to use the materials as a continuum, as they build upon each other.

5 Things to Know About Tuberculosis (TB) - Spanish

This video highlights the continuing problem of tuberculosis (TB) in the United States and encourages people to take action by visiting the CDC TB website and getting tested for TB infection if they are at risk.

Tuberculosis Prevention in Lingala (Congo)

The video describes ways to effectively manage active TB by providing information on TB testing, diagnosis, and treatment.

Stop TB

The Stop TB poster can be used by TB programs and other healthcare settings to help educate people with TB, as well as people at risk for TB. The poster describes how TB is spread, explains the difference between latent TB infection and TB disease, includes symptoms of active TB disease, and highlights the importance of completing TB treatment to help stop TB.

Comparison of a Whole-Blood Interferon Gamma Assay With Tuberculin Skin Testing for Detecting Latent Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection. Journal of the American Medical Association. 286(14):1740-1747,October 10, 2001.

This report provides findings from a study designed to compare a whole-blood interferon gamma assay, the QuantiFERON-TB test, with tuberculin skin testing for detecting latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and to identify factors associated with discordance between the tests.

Tuberculosis Control in Prisons: A Manual for Programme Managers

This book is for health care workers considering embarking on TB control in prisons and covers structural, administrative, and medical issues. It is designed primarily for use in settings where there is a high incidence of TB and limited resources.

Tuberculosis Information

This fact sheet uses a question-and-answer format to provide the general public with information on TB. It discusses TB disease and infection, transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.