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Global TB Drug Facility

This fact sheet explains the purpose of the Global Drug Facility (GDF) to expand access to, and availability of, high-quality TB drugs to facilitate DOTS expansion, and to enable governments and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to implement effective TB control programs based upon the DOTS stragegy.

Pediatric Tuberculosis: A Guide to the Gastric Aspirate (GA) Procedure

This online course helps clinicians determine when to use and how to conduct the Gastric Aspirate procedure. It includes helpful tips, a list of tools and supplies needed for performing the procedure, an online video illustrating the procedure, and educational information material for the provider and families.

Stop TB Infection Before It Makes You Sick!

This pamphlet uses a question and answer format to provide information on TB infection, how it is transmitted and diagnosed, what to do when a skin test is positive, and what a person needs to know about TB medicines.

How Human Immunodeficiency Virus Voluntary Testing Can Contribute to Tuberculosis Control

This report sets out the rationale for the ProTest Initiative (Promotion of Voluntary Testing), based on an analysis of the impact of HIV on TB control. It describes the elements of the ProTest approach, reviews progress so far, and sets out the future direction. The purpose of the report is to generate discussion and ideas that will help the Initiative establish a comprehensive range of interventions needed to control TB in settings with high prevalence of HIV infection.

Compendium of Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluating National Tuberculosis Programs

This compendium report provides a detailed review of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for national TB programs and indicators for measuring DOTS implementation and expansion. The review includes information on M&E for TB control programs, sources of data, and effective use of M&E data for program improvement and advocacy.

The Role of Health Communication in Vietnam

This report describes how Vietnam achieved its success in the fight against TB, with an emphasis on the role of strategic health communication. The report includes an analysis of lessons learned and implications that may help other developing countries in their fight against TB.

Your Tuberculosis Skin Test Is Positive

This brochure is for TB patients and explains the meaning of a positive TB test, and where to get a chest x-ray.