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Instructions for Collecting Sputum for TB

This fact sheet explains to patients the reason for a sputum test and contains step-by-step directions for giving a sample of sputum.

Access to DOTS Reduces Household Poverty

This fact sheet explains that DOTS can reduce household poverty by averting (1) the loss of income, (2) the cost of inadequate treatment, (3) the socio-economic costs of coping by families, (4) malnutrition, and (5) death.

Progress Report on the Global Plan to Stop Tuberculosis

This report describes the progress of the Stop TB Partnership. It reports that TB control is succeeding around the world. The challenges include increasing and sustaining new funding levels; strengthening the public health system, including the availability, capacity, and motivation of human resources; empowering households and communities; engaging providers in the private and other sectors; and creating and adopting new technology, such as diagnostics, drugs, and vaccines.

What Is Tuberculosis? Should I Be Tested?

This brochure lists the differences between TB infection and TB disease. It discusses who should take a diagnostic test, the symptoms of TB, and provides a list of TB test sites in the San Francisco area.

What Do I Need to Know About Active TB Disease?

This brochure lists the symptoms of active tuberculosis (TB) disease and includes directions for curing TB. It also provides drug information for treating TB and side effects that may occur from these medications.