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Medical Management of Tuberculosis: An Online Presentation

This slide presentation with streaming audio, provides information on how to manage treatment of tuberculosis (TB). A pre and posttest, question and answer guide, printable PowerPoint slide file, and other useful resources are also included as supplemental reading materials.

Testing for TB

This fact sheet describes what TB is and how one can be tested for it.

Consent and Treatment Plan (LTBI)

This is a consent and treatment plan agreement between persons who may have or have LTBI and their health care provider.

Refusal of Care Form

This contract form is for persons who refuse TB care, given they have been informed about LTBI and TB disease.

New Laboratory Diagnostic Tools for Tuberculosis Control

This document describes nineteen (19) new or improved diagnostic tools of the many that have been or are being developed. WHO has a process for evaluating and endorsing new tools for TB control programmes. Three (3) of the tools described in this document have already been endorsed by WHO and are being implemented by countries, while the others are still under development or in piloting phase and are expected to be ready for review for appropriateness for scaled-up use in the coming years.

Tuberculosis y VIH/SIDA[TB and HIV/AIDS ]

This fact sheet provides information about TB and HIV/AIDS and its impact in the U.S as well as worldwide, its prevention challenges, and what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are doing to combat the issue.

Childhood Tuberculosis

This website contains basic information regarding pediatric tuberculosis (TB).

MDR/XDR-TB Assessment and Monitoring Tool

This tool will assist countries and partners in conducting assessments of national tuberculosis (TB) programs to identify strengths and gaps related to preventing, diagnosing, and treating multidrug-resistant TB. It provides the starting point for planning for new activities to address drug-resistant TB. This tool has also been adopted by the Green Light Committee for baseline evaluation of country status and is useful in preparing GLC applications, Global Fund applications, and national MDR-TB control plans.

Self-Study Modules on Tuberculosis, 1-5 Slide Sets and Facilitator Guide

The Self-Study Modules, 1-5 is part of a series of educational modules designed to provide information about TB in a self-study format. This slide set was developed as an accompaniment to the print-based Self-Study Modules, 1-5 to aid in the presentation of module content for a facilitator-led training. The facilitator guide provides guidance and tips for leading a training using the Self-Study Modules on Tuberculosis, 1-5 Slide Sets.