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Working with the Media: How to Make Your Messages on Tuberculosis Count

The aim of this handbook is to equip individuals and programs with the tools necessary for working with the media to spread messages regarding TB. The handbook walks the reader through the planning and execution of media outreach: from thinking about goals to attracting media attention. Tips and suggestions for developing key messages, handling interviews, writing news releases and calling journalists are also included.

The document is currently available online. In the future it will also be available in hard copy and will be translated into French.

USAID Haiti TB Profile

This fact sheet provides the latest information on the work USAID is doing to fight TB in Haiti.

Establishing a Holistic Framework to Reduce Inequities in HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and Tuberculosis in the United States

The white paper, or policy document, outlines the strategic vision of NCHHSTP for reducing health disparities and promoting health equity among populations affected by these diseases. NCHHSTP is committed to promoting awareness, stakeholder and community engagement, and action on factors that can affect the nation and the world's health; to addressing these factors in the policy, practice, and research activities of NCHHSTP; and to building partnerships on every level.

Pharmacotherapeutics and Why TB Presents Differently in HIV

Drs. Jacques Grosset and Timothy Sterling will discuss the rationale for and potential new approaches to treatment of TB in HIV-infected individuals. Primary and secondary resistance of TB medications and the role of therapeutic drug monitoring for HIV-infected patients will be explored. The application of research to clinical practice will be highlighted.

Home Sputum Collection

This video provides a step-by-step guide for patients on how to collect sputum at home. The video is available in 18 languages (Burmese, English, French, Hmong, Karen, Karenni, Khmer, Kunama, Lao, Mandarin Chinese, Nepali, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Tigrinya, Urdu, and Vietnamese).

Tuberculosis (TB) Blood Test (IGRA)

This fact sheet introduces the TB blood test, also called an Interferon Gamma Release Assay or IGRA.

TB and HIV Coinfection

Dr. Kenneth Castro, Director of CDC's Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, discusses the impact of TB on those who are HIV infected and the importance of detecting and curing TB.

Youth Guide to the Global Fund

The goal of the Global Fund (to eliminate AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria) resonates powerfully with many young people and in response to frequent questions about how they could be involved, the Fund issued a Youth Guide directed especially to their interests. Silhouette illustrations make it racially universal and allow readers to project themselves into the images.