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Who Is Most At Risk and Why Are These Groups Vulnerable to TB?

This fact sheet discusses the risk groups who are more vulnerable to TB and why these groups are most at risk. The at-risk groups includeing the urban poor, migrants, and refugees, the homeless, prisoners, and people living with HIV/AIDS.

World TB Day 2005: Frontline TB Care Providers: Heroes in the Fight Against Tuberculosis

This website raises worldwide awareness about the international health threat posed by tuberculosis. For World TB Day 2005, the Stop TB Partnership Secretariat proposes to focus on the central role of frontline TB care providers in the fight against TB. It includes three Briefing Notes that the Stop TB Partnership Secretariat will distribute for planning and implementing advocacy and social mobilization activities for World TB Day 2005.

What Is Tuberculosis? Should I Be Tested?

This brochure lists the differences between TB infection and TB disease. It discusses who should take a diagnostic test, the symptoms of TB, and provides a list of TB test sites in the San Francisco area.

What Do I Need to Know About Latent Tuberculosis Infection?

This brochure lists the symptoms of active tuberculosis (TB) disease and includes directions for curing TB. It also provides drug information for treating TB and side effects that may occur from these medications.

Addressing Poverty in TB Control: Options for National TB Control Programmes

This book is directed specifically to national TB control programs and their partners. It is intended to help select and implement the steps needed to ensure that the guiding principles of equity and poverty reduction are translated into practical measures - and that these practical measures are integrated into the national TB services and linked to broader poverty alleviation efforts.

INH: Standing Between You and Tuberculosis

This pamphlet discusses the use of the drug isoniazid (INH) to treat latent TB infection. It provides information on the length of treatment and side effects.

The Tuberculosis Behavioral and Social Science Research Forum: Planting the Seeds for Future Research. Proceedings

This report is the proceedings of the Tuberculosis Behavioral and Social Science Research Forum held on December 10-11, 2003 in Atlanta, GA. The Forum's goal was to identify and prioritize TB behavioral and social science research needs, so that a research agenda for TB prevention, control, and treatment could be developed. These Forum Proceedings include summaries of presentations and discussions, as well as a synthesis of research needs and priorities identified by attendees. For a hardcopy, contact the Communications, Education, and Behavioral Studies Branch at (404) 639-8135.