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Respiratory Protection in Health-Care Settings

This fact sheet details the three levels of TB infection control in health-care settings, considerations for selection of respirators, and implementing a respiratory protection program.

Plan Mundial Para Detener La Tuberculosis 2006-2015: Actuar Para Salvar Vidas - Hacia Un Mundo Sin Tuberculosis[The Global Plan to Stop TB 2006-2015: Actions for Life - Towards a World Free of Tuberculosis]

This document, building on the Stop TB Partnership's first plan for 2001-2005, provides a comprehensive assessment of the action and resources needed to implement the Stop TB strategy and make an impact on the global TB burden. The three components of the plan are strategic directions, global and regional scenarios for TB control, and partnership action to achieve the goals.

Revised TB Recording and Reporting Forms and Registers

The Stop TB Department (STB) of the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with technical partners, has revised the TB recording and reporting (R&R) system to align the forms and registers with the new Stop TB Strategy. The revision facilitates the monitoring of the six components of the Stop TB Strategy, which itself was developed to help achieve the Millenium Development Goals.

Toolbox: B Notification Assessment and Follow-up

This toolbox contains sample letters, forms, and protocols that can be adapted and used by local programs to contact and follow-up with recent immigrants and refugees entering the US with a B classification.

Accompagnateurs Training Curriculum

This pilot curriculum for accompagnateurs comprises 15 units, with a focus on treatment and support for patients with HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis. Accompagnateurs are community health workers trained and employed to provide medical and psychosocial support for their neighbors. This curriculum contains a training guide, handbook, flipchart, and slides. Available only in electronic format, which can be downloaded for free at the URL listed below.