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Global Tuberculosis Report 2012

This is the seventeenth global report on tuberculosis (TB) published by WHO in a series that started in 1997. It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the TB epidemic and progress in implementing and financing TB prevention, care and control at global, regional and country levels using data reported by 204 countries and territories that account for over 99% of the world’s TB cases.

USAID Report on TB: Leading and Leveraging

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has reported to Congress on its international foreign assistance efforts to control tuberculosis (TB). Titled Leading and Leveraging, the report documents work completed the previous fiscal year.

New Drug Available to Treat Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis

This Medscape CDC Expert Video Commentary features Dr. Sundari Mase discussing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB) and the recently released CDC guidelines for the use and monitoring of a new TB drug called bedaquiline.

Understanding and Using Tuberculosis Data

This handbook provides detailed examples of the analysis of TB surveillance data, in particular TB notification data, data from surveillance of anti-TB drug resistance, and mortality data compiled in national vital registration systems.

TB Medication Fact Sheets (Chinese)

This series of patient education fact sheets provides information on drugs used in the treatment of TB (e.g., Clofazimine, Ethambutol, Ethionamide, Isoniazid, Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, PASER [p-aminosalicylic acid granules], Pyrazinamide, Pyridoxine, Rifabutin, Rifampin, Streptomycin). The fact sheets include information on medication side effects, actions to take if side effects occur, and instructions in the event a dose of medication is missed.