Have you ever used an HIV self-test?
Video clip featuring Olivia, a woman of trans experience, discussing her use of HIV self-tests.
Video clip featuring Olivia, a woman of trans experience, discussing her use of HIV self-tests.
Video clip featuring Marie, a woman of trans experience, discussing how to communicate with partners about sexual health.
Video clip featuring Tye, a faith leader who works to support young LGBTQ youth living in the south, reduce HIV stigma, and encourage other faith leaders to speak out and help educate their congregations.
Los materiales de la campaña "Celebro mi salud" son gratuitos y pueden descargarse desde esta página. Utilice los materiales para poner en marcha una campaña de "Celebro mi salud" o para complementar sus actividades permanentes para ayudar a terminar con la epidemia del HIV.
Tanto la Estrategia Nacional contra el VIH/SIDA (página disponible en inglés) como la iniciativa EHE tienen el objetivo reducir las nuevas infecciones causadas por VIH en los Estados Unidos en un 90% para el año 2030.
On June 18, 2022, the Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP) held a roundtable discussion in Miami, Florida, to launch the new national HIV viral suppression campaign, I am a Work of ART. The discussion was moderated by Harold Phillips, Director, White House Office of National AIDS Policy and panel members included the creative partners featured in the campaign materials. During the launch, attendees heard the creative partners tell their stories of being diagnosed with HIV, getting connected to care, and becoming virally suppressed.
“I am a Work of ART” Campaign materials are free and available for download from this page. Use the materials to implement an “I am a Work of ART” Campaign or to supplement your ongoing efforts to end the HIV epidemic.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), developed the “I am a Work of ART” national viral suppression campaign as part of the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) Initiative. This campaign supports the EHE key pillar: “Treat people with HIV rapidly and effectively to reach sustained viral suppression.”
This fact sheet discusses how Female clients comprise a substantial proportion of people served by RWHAP. Of the more than half a million clients served by RWHAP, 25.4 percent are female.
The goal of this billing and coding guide is to provide up-to-date information and best practices for coding, billing, and denial resolution for PrEP and PEP services. The intention is that this guide will serve as a foundation from which a healthcare organization can build internal PrEP and PEP coding and billing policies.