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CDC Website


TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) Implementation Tools

The website includes various resources that were developed to address the difficulties that HIV programs might encounter when implementing TB preventive treatment. Programs can adapt the tools as needed.

Laboratory Safety Handbook

The handbook provides information on safety issues involved in the processing and management of samples potentially containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Topics covered in the handbook include safe working practices, laboratory infrastructure and layout, personal protective equipment, and more.

Characteristics of Second-Line Drugs for MDR-TB

This one-page flow diagram for clinicians and health-care providers lists remarks and side effects of second-line drugs used to treat MDR-TB. It provides information on the measured MIC, serum levels, and dosing of each drug.

COVID-19 and Lung Health: Frequently Asked Questions

This wepage provides information on the similarities between COVID-19 and tuberculosis, wearing a mask, reducing stigma, and more. The document is also available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Polish, and Chinese.

TB Screening Competencies

This document lists competencies in the areas of knowledge, judgement, skills, and attitudes important for TB Screening.

The Right to Breathe: Human Rights Training for People with and Affected by Tuberculosis

This training manual was created to build and strengthen the capacity of people with and affected by TB to better understand the human rights issues and abuses they encounter and be able to respond constructively by building on previous experience in participating in a TB-or and human rights-related activity.

Tuberculosis and Cocci Webinar

The target audience for this webinar is physicians and other healthcare workers who may diagnose and treat coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) and/or tuberculosis. Topics covered include coinfection, the difference between tuberculosis and Valley Fever, and more.

Taking Control of Your Tuberculosis

This booklet provides information on the diagnosis and treatment of TB infection and TB disease. Topics covered include the differences between latent TB infection and TB disease, treatment, and resources.

Diagnosing Latent TB Infection (LTBI) video

This video presents information on the difference between TB infection and disease, testing methods and recommendations, and interpretation of test results. The video also discusses special considerations for testing and the medical evaluation process.

Screening for Latent TB Infection (LTBI) video

The video contains information on the basics of TB infection, targeted testing, recommendations for screening and testing high-risk groups, and patient education messages.