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LTBI-care: Mobile app to support programmatic management of LTBI

This mobile application (app) was developed to facilitate monitoring and evaluation of programmatic management of LTBI. Through the app, health-care workers can collect client information used to monitor indicators for the management of LTBI. The app can be modified to meet the specific needs of the country using the app.

Tuberculosis and HIV infographic

An infographic that emphasizes the severity of TB and HIV coinfection. The infographic includes information on how many people died in 2017 from AIDS-related TB, how many lives have been saved since 2000 due to TB treatment, and more.

Who to Test for TB

This fact sheet identifies persons who should be tested for tuberculosis (TB) and lists conditions that increase a person's risk for progression to active TB, such as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

CDC TB Information Guide

This CD-ROM contains electronic copies of materials such as educational products, TB guidelines, Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR), surveillance reports, and slide sets, many of which are currently located on the CDC Division of TB Elimination Internet site.

Treatment of Tuberculosis: Standard Therapy for Active Disease in Children

This pocket-size drug treatment card for clinicians provides information on the standard anti-tuberculosis therapy for active disease in children, including dosages, daily and intermittent regimens, side effects, treatment information and visual depictions of first-line medications.