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INH: Standing Between You and Tuberculosis

This pamphlet discusses the use of the drug isoniazid (INH) to treat latent TB infection. It provides information on the length of treatment and side effects.

Silicosis Mortality, Prevention, and Control, United States, 1968--2002. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 54(16): 401-405, April 29, 2005

To describe patterns of silicosis mortality in the United States, CDC analyzed data from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) National Occupational Respiratory Mortality System (NORMS) for 1968-2002. This report summarizes the results of that analysis, which indicated a decline in silicosis mortality during 1968-2002 and suggested that progress has been made in reducing the incidence of silicosis in the United States. However, silicosis deaths and new cases still occur, even in young workers.

TB Contact Investigations

This fact sheet gives general information about what a TB contact investigation is and why it is important.

HIV Rapid Testing Training Package

The HIV Rapid Testing Training Package, developed by CDC and WHO in collaboration with the Office of the United States Global AIDS Coordinator, is designed for laboratory technicians, nurses, and counselors at test sites. It provides them with the knowledge and skills to perform HIV rapid tests accurately and reliably in a safe and professional manner. The training package includes a trainer's guide, participant's manual, CD of all files, training video/DVD, job aides, and curriculum posters.

Learn About Tuberculosis: What Everyone Should Know

This booklet provides information on how TB spreads, the difference between latent TB infection and active disease, diagnosis, treatment, and where to get more information on TB testing and treatment in New York City.

Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Disease

This fact sheet covers when you should suspect Tuberculosis (TB). The fact sheet also details how to evaluate a person suspected of having TB disease.

Treatment for Latent TB Infection

This fact sheet contains information about the treatment of latent TB infection (LTBI) and the prevention of active TB disease.

Civil Society Perspectives on TB Policy in Brazil

This report highlights the work of community-based organizations and people living with HIV/AIDS in advocating for coordinated TB and HIV policies and services in their countries. The report presents case studies that highlight community advocates’ strategies, achievements, and lessons learned.

Language Services Resources Guide

This guide gathers basic information about providing language services in one
document. Information includes interpreter and translator associations and agencies, training programs, assessment tools, and other materials. A searchable version is available online at