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The Human Face of TB

This flash movie is an informational film based on the report "Tuberculosis" published by WHO. The movie puts a human face on the TB epidemic and the deadly interaction between TB and HIV. It depicts the suffering of people affected by this disease through images and interviews. Outlining the efficacy of the DOTS program, the movie makes clear that continued commitment and expanded resources are vital to combat TB.

Cover Your Cough

This poster, designed for clinic waiting areas, urges patients to cover their noses and mouths when coughing. The message is written in five different languages.

Practical Approach to Lung Health: A Primary Health Care Strategy for the Integrated Management of Respiratory Conditions in People of Five Years of Age and Over

This report developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) describes a strategy to integrate management of respiratory conditions to improve TB case detection. The PAL aims to improve TB diagnosis and care by improving (1) the quality of respiratory care in primary health care (PHC) settings, and (2) the efficiency of respiratory service delivery within health systems.