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Improving TB Drug Management: Accelerating DOTS Expansion

This book presents five papers that were used as background to a workshop on "Improving TB Drug Management: Accelerating DOTS Expansion" on June 2002, in Washington, DC. The papers address the weaknesses in drug management programs of certain countries and provide a framework for strengthening these programs through country-specific action plans.

DOT Essentials: A Training Curriculum for TB Control Programs

This information kit provides a curriculum to educate health professionals in conducting directly observed therapy (DOT) for patients with TB. The curriculum is divided into six sessions that can be taught independently or as a series.

National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis Training and Education 2004-2008

The Strategic Plan is the result of an independent and collaborative effort by institutions, agencies, and individuals representing the full spectrum of TB care, control, and prevention efforts. The Strategic Plan is intended to encourage a comprehensive, coordinated, and sustained TB training and education effort that is targeted to the specific needs of various providers and communities. It establishes priorities and directions for TB training and education efforts for the five-year period from 2004 to 2008.

A Tuberculosis Guide for Specialist Physicians

This guide provides the clinical and epidemiological aspects of tuberculosis in the context of the National Tuberculosis Programme (NTP) in 18 illustrated chapters. This guide is a comprehensive reference for anyone involved in the treatment, control, and prevention of tuberculosis and is especially geared to specialist physicians working in low-income countries.

Instructions for Collecting Sputum for TB

This fact sheet explains to patients the reason for a sputum test and contains step-by-step directions for giving a sample of sputum.

The Human Face of TB

This flash movie is an informational film based on the report "Tuberculosis" published by WHO. The movie puts a human face on the TB epidemic and the deadly interaction between TB and HIV. It depicts the suffering of people affected by this disease through images and interviews. Outlining the efficacy of the DOTS program, the movie makes clear that continued commitment and expanded resources are vital to combat TB.

Summary: The Role of Health Communication in Achieving Global TB Control Goals: Lessons from Peru, Vietnam and Beyond

This report summarizes the lessons learned from the two national tuberculosis control programs of Peru and Vietnam, with a particular emphasis on the role of strategic health communication in each program. The report is based on conclusions from two more in-depth reports: The Role of Health Communication in Vietnam's Fight Against Tuberculosis and The Role of Health Communication in Peru's Fight Against Tuberculosis .

What You Should Know About TB

This Power Point slide set presents basic TB information for the general public. The presentation stresses the difference between latent TB infection and active TB disease, how TB is spread, and how to prevent it.

I Have Been Exposed to Tuberculosis (TB), What Do I Do Now?

This brochure provides general information on exposure to TB and lists the difference between TB infection and TB disease. It describes what a diagnostic test is, and what its results mean.