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International Standards of Tuberculosis Care

Developed by the Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance (TBCTA) with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Standards for Tuberculosis Care describe a widely accepted level of care that all practitioners, public and private, should seek to achieve in managing patients who have, or are suspected of having, tuberculosis. The standards are intended to facilitate the effective engagement of all care providers in delivering high-quality care for patients of all ages.

Get the Facts About TB Disease

This booklet is one of several culturally-appropriate patient education materials produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Jersey Medical School Global Tuberculosis Institute. All of these patient education materials can be found on the following webpage:
This booklet provides information on TB transmission, treatment for TB disease, and how to talk to family and friends about TB.

Treatment of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

This fact sheet discusses treatment of drug-resistant TB. A table outlining potential drug regimens for treating drug-resistant TB is also provided.

Model Tuberculosis Outbreak Response Plan for Low-Incidence Areas

The Model Tuberculosis (TB) Outbreak Response Plan (ORP) is a customizable template to help ensure comprehensive and timely response to a TB outbreak.

The ORP includes the following sections: purpose, indications for initiating the response plan, legal authority, composition of the response team, notification procedures, local and state public health responsibilities, data management, communication, training and education, community partnerships, evaluation, de-activation, and glossary.

Laboratory Service in Tuberculosis Control Part II: Microscopy

These guidelines for laboratory services are contained in a series of three manuals, two of which are focused on the technical aspects of tuberculosis microscopy and culture and a third which deals with laboratory management, including aspects such as laboratory safety and proficiency testing. These manuals have been developed for use in low-and middle-income countries with high tuberculosis prevalence and incidence rates. Not only are they targeted to everyday laboratory use, but also for incorporation in teaching and training of laboratory and other health care staff.

Improving the Diagnosis and Treatment of Smear-Negative Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Among Adults and Adolescents -- Recommendations for HIV-Prevalent and Resource-Constrained Settings

This document is intended for those dealing with tuberculosis and HIV at all levels in HIV-prevalent and resource-constrained settings. It is intended to assist development of national policies to improve the diagnosis and management of smear-negative pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The recommendations and algorithms are designed for use by national tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS control programs and service providers.

TB Tips: Advice for People with Tuberculosis

"TB Tips: Advice for People with Tuberculosis" is a quick reference guide for patients. It is based on the popular tips that originally appeared in the first edition of "The Tuberculosis Survival Handbook". This short booklet is full of practical advice, suggestions, guidance, and information in an easy to read format for TB patients.

Refusal of Care Form

This contract form is for persons who refuse TB care, given they have been informed about LTBI and TB disease.