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MMWR: Routine HIV Screening in Two Health-Care Settings –New York City and New Orleans, 2011-2013

This report describes novel HIV screening programs at the Urban Health Plan (UHP), Inc. in New York City and the Interim Louisiana Hospital (ILH) emergency department in New Orleans. Both received startup funding from Gilead Sciences’ HIV on the Frontlines of Communities in the United States (FOCUS) program to implement routine HIV screening. Both programs identified previously undiagnosed HIV infections. Use of the new testing algorithm allowed the New Orleans program to identify antibody-negative acute infections in five (6%) of the 77 patients with newly diagnosed HIV.

Likely Female-to-Female Sexual Transmission of HIV - Texas 2012

This report describes a case of HIV transmission through sexual contact between an infected woman and her previously uninfected female sex partner. The Houston Department of Health reported the case to CDC in August 2012. The case was investigated and laboratory testing confirmed that the virus that infected the newly-diagnosed woman was identical to that of her female partner who had stopped receiving antiretroviral therapy in 2010. The report describes the case of HIV infection acquired during a six-month monogamous relationship.

Improving HIV Surveillance and Prevention Intervention Efforts among Hispanic or Latino Migrant Communities in United States-Mexico Border States: Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas

This report is a literature review of existing models, practices, and HIV prevention interventions for Hispanic or Latino migrant communities so that HIV prevention strategies along the southern border states can be updated and implemented.

Evidence-Based HIV/STD Prevention Intervention for Black Men Who Have Sex with Men

This report summarizes findings of a community-based organization in New York City that evaluated and demonstrated efficacy of the Many Men, Many Voices HIV/STD prevention intervention to reduce sexual risk behaviors and increase protective behaviors among black men who have sex with men (MSM). The intervention focuses on social determinants of health that can influence health and well-being of black MSM at high risk for HIV infection. The report also highlights CDC’s efforts to disseminate this evidence- based behavioral intervention across the United States.

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Prevention

This information sheet discusses CDC's first comprehensive guidelines for use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) as a means of preventing HIV. PrEP is a way to prevent HIV by taking a pill containing two drugs that are used to treat the infection. The new federal guidelines for health care providers recommend that PrEP be considered for people who are HIV-negative and at substantial risk for HIV infection. The pill must be taken every day by people who are exposed to HIV to be most effective in order to stop the virus from establishing a permanent infection.

Intersection of Intimate Partner Violence and HIV in Women

This information sheet discusses the relationship between intimate partner violence (IPV) and HIV in women. It uses data from the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey to show the number of women who have experienced IPV, explains the links between IPV and HIV, provides studies which suggest that IPV can be a risk factor and a consequence of HIV as well as studies of women with a history of abuse.

HIV Testing Among Adolescents: What Schools and Education Agencies Can Do

This information sheet discusses the need for HIV testing among adolescents. It explains why HIV testing is important for anyone and for adolescents in particular. The information sheet notes that adolescents and young adults engage in behaviors that put them at risk for HIV infection and provides statistics on the number of youth living with HIV and the estimated number of new infections among youth.

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