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Testing and Counseling

A New Tool to Diagnose Tuberculosis: The Xpert MTB/RIF Assay

This information sheet discusses the Xpert MTB/RIF Assay for diagnosing TB. It explains that the new test is a nucleic acid amplification test that diagnoses TB in less than 2 hours and can also determine resistance to rifampin, one of the drugs used to treat TB. The information sheet describes how the Xpert MTB/RIF assay works, its advantages, how the results should be interpreted, what it means if RIF resistance is detected, not detected, or is indeterminate. Addresses for additional information are provided.

New CDC Recommendations for HIV Testing in Laboratories: A Step-by-Step Account of the Approach

This information sheet illustrates CDC’s new recommendations for laboratories to capitalize on the latest available technologies in HIV testing to help diagnose infections as much as 3-4 weeks sooner than the previous testing approach. Early diagnosis is critical since many new infections are transmitted by people in the earliest (“acute”) stage of infection.

Top Health Issues for LGBT Populations Information & Resource Kit

This resource kit presents an overview of current health issues among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) populations. While many challenges exist with regards to the availability of data, this kit aims to create awareness among prevention specialists and healthcare providers of the needs, experiences, and health status of LGBT Americans.

Tuberculosis: Handbook for School Nurses

This handbook provides information concerning the role of school nurses in the prevention, testing, and medical treatment of students with TB. The handbook is divided into three sections: TB Fundamentals with a particular focus on school-aged children; Applying TB Fundamentals in the school setting, which covers issues related to medication administration, treatment adherence, and directly observed therapy (DOT) in the school setting; and Appendices that include risk assessment guidelines, medication side effects, and templates for record keeping.

Hepatitis C: Information on Testing & Diagnosis

This information sheet discusses testing and diagnosing hepatitis C virus infection (HBV). It describes hepatitis C, a serious liver disease, and notes that some people do not know they have disease because they experience no symptoms. The information sheet explains hepatitis C transmission, who should be tested, why it is important to be tested, the blood test doctors use to diagnose HCV and the meaning of the test results, and where to find additional information.

Hepatitis C: Información sobre pruebas y diagnóstico

This information sheet discusses testing and diagnosing hepatitis C virus infection (HCV). It describes hepatitis C, a serious liver disease, and notes that some people do not know they have disease because they experience no symptoms. The information sheet explains hepatitis C transmission, who should be tested, why it is important to be tested, the blood test doctors use to diagnose HCV and the meaning of the test results, and where to find additional information.

Do You Have Hepatitis C? It Takes Two Different Tests to Know for Sure (1)

This poster states that it takes two different tests to diagnose hepatitis C. One test is a screening test that indicates whether a person was ever exposed to hepatitis C. The other test is a confirmatory test that indicates if a person currently has hepatitis C.