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A DOTS-Plus Handbook: Guide to the Community-Based Treatment of MDR TB

This book describes the technical framework and principles used to implement DOTS-Plus in resource poor settings. It also provides a number of case histories that illustrate common challenges in the treatment of MDR TB patients. The book includes protocols that can be used under DOTS-Plus program conditions to manage common complication of this therapy.

Report on Tuberculosis in California, 2003

This report describes the distribution of TB cases among the population of California and the demographic and clinical characteristics of TB cases in 2003. It presents the risk factors for TB, drug resistance, treatment outcomes of the reporting jurisdictions in California, and recent trends.

Silicosis Mortality, Prevention, and Control, United States, 1968--2002. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 54(16): 401-405, April 29, 2005

To describe patterns of silicosis mortality in the United States, CDC analyzed data from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) National Occupational Respiratory Mortality System (NORMS) for 1968-2002. This report summarizes the results of that analysis, which indicated a decline in silicosis mortality during 1968-2002 and suggested that progress has been made in reducing the incidence of silicosis in the United States. However, silicosis deaths and new cases still occur, even in young workers.